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Take a look at the best services and products of Dinajpur city.
If you are looking for tuition, give us your information today. We will put your information among our short listed ones, and you will get many tuitions very easily.

Looking for a good teacher for your child, visit the Dinajpur store and choose the perfect teacher for your child.

You want to be a teacher in a private/English medium/semi government school in Dinajpur, send us your CV, we will contact the schools in Dinajpur for your job and arrange your job.

Looking for part-time or full-time teachers for your school, we have a list of selected Hons/Masters pass students.
Here, looking for a bridegroom Give us your information, we will find your perfect match.

Looking for a mosque imam, we have a list of best clerics, you will find the suitable imam from our selected clerics.

Are you studying in Madrasah/Qawmi line, want to teach in Imamati or Madrasah, want to teach Arabic privately, give us your information and we will find you the job of your choice.

Looking for sales man for your store, choose your preferred sales man from our list.

If you want to be a part time full time sales man then send us your CV today, we will get you the job.

Honors/Masters/Diploma passed, give us your CV, we will introduce you to big corporate companies.

You have taken training from various IT training institutes, are unemployed, give us your CV and we will arrange your job.